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S02 Ep.1 - Discovering Galaxies Beyond our Milky Way, Chris Lintott
S02, Xmas Episode - The Marvels of the Solar System, Chris Lintott
Chris Lintott | Are We Special?
S02 Ep.8 - Pulsars, Microwave Ovens & The Radio Sky, Chris Lintott
The Amazing Milky Way Galaxy - Inside Outer Space Episode 7
The Universe and US
IAU ECAOnlineDiscourse#6-Publishing without Perishing: A user’s guide to the astronomical literature
The Sky at Night April 2006
Virtual Stargazing - The Galaxy Zoo (ft. Riverside Astronomical Society)
bluedot 2019 | Eamonn Kerins: What Does It Take To Leave Our Planet?
LSST2017 Plenary: LSST-WFIRST Connection; Simulated Observing Strategies/Cadence Optimization